17 February 2009

The gene of goodness

It is a known fact among my friends that I have never had much maternal instincts. I was even infamously quoted saying "I prefer puppies over babies anytime any day" and "I'd sterilize my future husband before marriage" hah Now, before you psycho people start analyzing my relationship with my mother, let me tell you that I had the world's greatest relationship with the world's greatest mum (she is no longer with us and there's not a single day in my life that I don't miss her). And it is neither that I have bad experiences with babies, its just that I don't think I have in me the capacity and patience to care for and love a crying/pooping machine baby. And, I was so often put off by the rush of female affection and attention whenever a baby is in presence. I would cringe when all the other females fuss and coo over something which I clearly couldn't see what the fuss was about. To me, they were just crying/pooping/milk vomiting/screaming miniature humans who couldn't understand a word I was saying and to communicate with them, I would have to condescend myself to ooh ooh ah ah in my nauseating baby voice. And the females with their overflowing estrogen were just a silly act to me gile, seeing them pull out every trick they've got just to see the baby smile.

But of late, I found myself talking about my baby niece to anyone who would care to listen, even imposing in some manners banyakckp. I found myself looking at her pictures all the time and smiling to myself at the thought of her baby antics.

My baby niece, Qian Qian is almost 5 months old now (she was born on the 23rd September 2008, a Libran just like me). And is the cutest little thing in the world. She gets her big eyes and round cheeks from her father and has the pudgiest little arms and legs. She has this constant quizzical look and makes the cutest, unintelligible sounds that brings a smile to my face every time. She is moody as she'd look at me and give me her toothless smile (sometimes she even scoffs with a loud HA! before turning away to hide her face) and the next minute, she'd frown and threaten to cry, then its back to smiling again.

See the quizzical look?

She is often restless and kicks her legs so strongly and we'd tease that another dancer has been born in the family. You wait, baby Qian Qian, Aunt Viv shall personally train you to be the world's best dancer/gymnast when you are older. When she's lying on her back, my sis in law would say turn and she would somehow understand and start rolling from side to side (she's quite fast now). Last week, we even put her in the baby pool (which I use for sunbathing in my backyardmalu) which she enjoyed so much and was giggling and kicking her legs in the water. So, I am getting her one.

And when I look at people fussing and cooing over her, I feel only a swell of pride that people love and adore her. Sis in law and even dad would put on their baby voices to play with her and in a bizarre way, watching them do so makes me love them even more. I suppose having a baby in the family does change and bring people together.

Handsome Daddy

Beautiful Mommy

Cutesy Pie Qian Qian

People often say I look like my brother

And since Qian Qian looks like her daddy...

Does that mean she looks like me?

Yes, mock all you want but I LOVE my baby niece love . Guess the baby hater is taking a break although as of now, I still don't want to have my own babies but who knows? I have just taken a big step from hating babies to loving my baby niece unconditionally.

Welcome to the family, baby Qian and I am going to be the most kick ass aunt ever!menari

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